Our Vision
We envisage a prosperous Eastern Slovakia as a place where people want to live, where individuals and organizations have accepted responsibility for their actions and their region, where they work to improve the world around them and where they respect each other, work together, help each other and form a better future jointly
Our Mission
Our mission is to lead people and organizations to accept responsibility for themselves, their communities, their region and their future. With that in mind, we:
– improve life in this region. We promote local community initiatives, cooperation of individuals and organisations, informal education and civil society development;
-help and support those who want to help themselves;
-are learning, bringing solutions and disseminating them for the benefit of the region.
– link active people and give them the chance to implement their initiatives, we mobilize those with experience who are willing to lend a helping hand, and we facilitate partnerships to maximize our help.
– explore the region, listen to its people and map its needs in order to be able to offer effective help.