Schola ludus 21

Schola ludus 21

Schola ludus 21

Creation of a concept combining formal education system with elements of informal education

The Schola ludus 21 project strives to improve inclusion of informal education into the formal education process in order to increase the quality of education for children and youths.

Within the scope of this project, we will prepare recommendations for relevant stakeholders active in the field of education and various experts, organisations and the general public will be involved in the project. We will prepare a functional concept and, together, we will identify the best ways to utilise effective informal education methods in the formal education system to facilitate acquisition of knowledge and transferable skills by pupils and students all over Slovakia.

Project Activities

The Schola ludus 21 project is implemented in the Košice and Prešov regions between 1 June 2018 and July 2020.

Main activity: Drafting of the concept of incorporating informal education in formal education process

  • Sub-activity 1: Analysis of barriers preventing inclusion of informal education methods in formal education process;
  • Sub-activity 2: Creation of informal regional platform for the discussion of stakeholders active in the field of education;
  • Sub-activity 3: Drafting of the document (concept) with recommendations for relevant stakeholders.
Join the Schola ludus 21 informal platform

Do you care about the way your children are taught? Would you like to be an active part of the change? Do you know how to increase the quality of education in Slovakia? Are you familiar with informal education programmes?

Project status

January 2019

  • Analysis of barriers is currently in the phase of secondary survey of relevant sources and information on the topic of informal education in Slovakia and in a wider international context.
  • The 1st meeting of the Schola ludus 21 informal platform was held in Košice in November 2018. The participants were presented and subsequently discussed the initial results of the secondary survey.
  • Apart from the platform meetings, a number of information seminars on the topic of informal education were organised for key stakeholders. Moreover, an information seminar about the Schola ludus 21 project was organised in September 2018, where we also presented the internationally acclaimed informal education programme MyMachine Slovakia and the outcomes of this programme implementation in Slovakia so far. Presenting the programme was Piet Grymonprez (Belgium), one of the co-founders as well as one of the authors of the idea behind the MyMachine programme. Attending the seminar were also 25 future teachers – students of the Faculty of Education of Prešov University. All in all, more than 170 visitors came to see the dream machines festively revealed during the MyMachine Slovakia Expo 2018 that day. 
Project Schola Ludus 21 was financially supported by the European Social Fund within the Operational Programme Effective public administration by the total sum of 273,283.03 euros.
Information about the Operational Programme Effective public administration can be found at