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What kind of Eastern Slovakia would you like to live in?

Eastern Slovakia is still lagging behind the other Slovak regions.

Many people live in poverty, many people in the East have no job or they have to travel long distances and stay away from their families to put bread on their families’ tables.

Chances to get quality education are limited, which is one of the reasons why many young people leave Eastern Slovakia to study and live elsewhere. We are losing young, active and talented people that the region needs so much.

Vulnerable groups have even worse opportunities to develop, study or find work in the region – Roma, people with physical or mental handicaps or people from socially disadvantaged environments face discrimination and exclusion.

We are neglecting our environment; we are destroying our forests and polluting our nature.

It is especially in rural and in the remote areas of Eastern Slovakia that people lack opportunities for active and enriching leisure time and cultural life.


Do you?

Whether you are living here, working here or whether Eastern Slovakia is merely close to your heart, join us and help us make Eastern Slovakia a prosperous place where people want to live. 

The only way we can make Eastern Slovakia a better place for all is if we work together. We all need to join forces to make this region a place where everyone can realize their potential and live their life to the fullest, where innovations and new possibilities are abundant and where people help each other and shape their future together – a place where people want to live.

Join us in supporting active people and organisations that work to make Eastern Slovakia a better place to live.