In 2021, 23% of children in Slovakia faced physical violence. Over 20% of children were exposed to emotional violence and 7.1% to sexual abuse . Čiže každé 15. dieťa je sexuálne zneužívané. V skutočnosti sú tieto čísla oveľa vyššie, pretože mnoho detí o násilí nerozpráva a v tichosti ho trpí.
Children can experience violence anywhere
At home, at school, during leisure activities or in the online space. Denying children the right to develop healthily, to be educated or to live in dignity is also considered violence. It is therefore also the responsibility of all of us to create the conditions to prevent violence against our children and to offer them immediate protection and support when it happens.
These facts are also highlighted by two important world days in November – World Day for the Prevention of and Healing from Child Sexual Exploitation, Abuse and Violence (18th November) and World Children’s Day (20th November).

Since we at the Carpathian Foundation also run programmes aimed at children and support organisations that work with children, it is important for us to create and maintain a safe and respectful environment for them. And not only us, but also our partners, supported organisations and their partners. In this regard, we are guided by the Child Safeguarding Policy and we make sure that all our collaborators, partners, supported organisations as well as beneficiaries are familiar with it.
Violence against women is one of the most widespread
In addition to these world days, November, 25 marks the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women. Violence against women and girls is one of the most widespread, persistent and devastating human rights violations in the world. Data from police statistics in 2019 show that up to 44% of women in the country have experienced domestic violence. That’s almost one in two women. Yet many women do not report violence. And many who do report it experience belittling or degrading instead of support. Violence has a significant negative impact not only on the life of the woman herself, but also on her children, who often witness these traumatic situations.
Again, it is important to say that women can experience violence not only at home, but anywhere. And a specific group is women at risk who receive humanitarian or any other kind of aid and may be subjected to pressure and violence from aid providers.

That is why the Carpathian Foundation is committed to protecting not only such women, but all vulnerable people, regardless of gender and age, from sexual exploitation and abuse by workers who provide humanitarian aid, protection and other forms of assistance.
Our Policy for Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse outlines inappropriate behaviour and ways to report it. It is binding on all employees, contractors, volunteers, interns, partners and entities that receive financial or other support from us.
Let’s think of all children, women and vulnerable people and focus (not only) in November on raising awareness on how to protect them from violence and abuse.