June 9, 2024

June 9, 2024

inspiratívne videá z konferencie

Check out inspiring videos from the International Conference on Inclusive Education

At the International Conference on Inclusive Education, “A Way Forward In Slovakia,” experts from Portugal, Switzerland, Belgium, Greece, the USA, Serbia, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, and Slovakia shared many important experiences, inspirations, and lessons from inclusive education. Recordings of insightful lectures, presentations, or workshops can be viewed in the videos in this article.

Check out inspiring videos from the International Conference on Inclusive Education Read More »

Dobrovoľníci v dokumente Dobro nepozná hranice

What role do good, humor, and friendships play in war? Watch our new short documentary Good Knows No Boundaries

Why are foreign volunteers considered “silly”? What helps people stay calm even when war rages around them? And is good confined by borders? These questions are answered in the short documentary Good Knows No Boundaries, filmed during a humanitarian trip to Ukraine.

What role do good, humor, and friendships play in war? Watch our new short documentary Good Knows No Boundaries Read More »