Na Svete žien, UPre ženy

In the event called Woman’s World, we opened important social topics

We organized the event called Woman’s World on March 10, 2024, in the beautiful premises of the Eastern Slovakia Gallery in Košice to celebrate International Women’s Day, women’s uniqueness, and their strength to overcome challenges. Successful women who have the ability to influence the lives of others and inspire those around them gathered at the event. Which well and lesser known personalities have shared their stories?

In the event called Woman’s World, we opened important social topics Read More »

Dobrovoľníci v dokumente Dobro nepozná hranice

What role do good, humor, and friendships play in war? Watch our new short documentary Good Knows No Boundaries

Why are foreign volunteers considered “silly”? What helps people stay calm even when war rages around them? And is good confined by borders? These questions are answered in the short documentary Good Knows No Boundaries, filmed during a humanitarian trip to Ukraine.

What role do good, humor, and friendships play in war? Watch our new short documentary Good Knows No Boundaries Read More »

We will support these projects through the Together for Children grant programme

The program will support projects that ensure fair access to inclusive education and care for children in their early childhood. Projects will particularly help children fleeing the war in Ukraine, but also other children in need in Slovakia. 106 projects applied for the programme, the expert committee selected 25 of them, we will redistribute a total of 1,001,248 euro.

We will support these projects through the Together for Children grant programme Read More »

It’s okay they can’t draw a spine, but they can draw a butterfly. And that’s inclusion…

When we were visiting Wellington, where Slovak families work and live, we saw how in one top-class art class, British children drew a detailed human spine and Roma children from Sabinov drew a simple butterfly. The school headmaster said that it is completely fine for students of the same age in one class to draw different things because they have different skills.

It’s okay they can’t draw a spine, but they can draw a butterfly. And that’s inclusion… Read More »

More than 1 Million Euros Reallocated in the Together for Children Grant Programme

We have teamed up with UNICEF to help children in Slovakia. Our joint Together for Children programme will support local governments, schools, kindergartens, nurseries and NGOs, and others, to ensure fair and inclusive access to early care and education for young children. It is mainly targeted at children who have fled the war in Ukraine and other children in need.

More than 1 Million Euros Reallocated in the Together for Children Grant Programme Read More »

UPre ženy (UFor Women) study

The unique study UPre ženy (UFor Women): the status and empowerment of women in selected marginalised Roma communities map what, who and especially how to help Roma women to improve their status and living conditions. In doing so, the researchers also focused on empowerment, a tool used in community development around the world. Simply put teach people to catch fish and not give it to them.

UPre ženy (UFor Women) study Read More »

Campaign Máme radi Ukrajinu (We Love Ukraine) has focused also on Roma refugees and human trafficking

Managing a refugee crisis of this magnitude is only possible thanks to volunteers, NGOs, local governments, and a few passionate people in government. That’s also why we launched the campaign Máme radi Ukrajinu (We Love Ukraine). The donated money will be redistributed among NGOs, non-profit organisations, local governments, and schools in Eastern Slovakia that help refugees. Organisations working with Roma refugees and the issue of human trafficking will receive special attention.

Campaign Máme radi Ukrajinu (We Love Ukraine) has focused also on Roma refugees and human trafficking Read More »