Andrea studied at the Technical University in Košice. She began her career as a project coordinator at the University of Pavol Jozef Šafárik in Košice and then worked also as a project coordinator for almost ten years for the City of Košice.
Later, she worked in the private sector as a project manager in a translation and interpreting agency. After gaining experience in the fields of education, public administration, and the private sector, she felt the need for involvement in the non-profit sector.
Currently, she works at the Carpathian Foundation as a senior manager of grant programs. She is pleased when great ideas become a reality through projects and help in the development of eastern Slovakia. She is interested in inclusion in everyday life and schools, social development, and education.
She has two sons and a daughter, so her family takes up almost all of her free time. She enjoys traveling, meeting people, and spending time with her family.