We like the East

The MÁME RADI VÝCHOD (We Love the East) programme is financed from the Karpatská vandrovka (Carpathian Wander) Fund and it supports projects that improve the quality of life in Eastern Slovakia. The programme aims to support active Easterners and their ideas and projects helping to make lifestyle in our region healthier, improve sports opportunities, bring people together and make them spend their spare time actively, and build non-commercial culture in Eastern Slovakia in general. Karpatská vandrovka (Carpathian Wander) is a sponsored hike for spirited long-distance hikers designed to raise funds for the support of projects aiming to improve the quality of life in Eastern Slovakia.

Current status


Goals and short history

Since 2010, 441 hikers – donors – have collected the total of €43,130 and 30 volunteering projects have been supported.

The mission of the Karpatská vandrovka Fund is to support community projects and activities which improve life in cities as well as in rural areas of Eastern Slovakia. The fund supports creative, practical and inexpensive projects which invite the participation of the general public.

Conditions and criteria

Supported in the past

In the Fond Karpatskej vandrovky MÁME RADI VÝCHOD 2017 call, a total of 10,600 from 106 hikers was redistributed.

We have supported 7 organisations which will help to:

  • make life in Eastern Slovakia healthier and improve sports opportunities here;
  • bring people together and facilitate active leisure time and relaxation;
  • develop non-commercial culture.

The list of projects supported in 2017:

  1. CREATIVEAST, o. z. – Na starom bicykli po stopách oscarového mestečka – 2,000 €
  2. Človek v ohrození, n. o. – S kamerou cez hory – 2,000 €
  3. Maják nádeje – Tvorivé dielne pre rodiny v núdzi – 1,500 €
  4. OZ Medzi riekami – Spoznaj svoj región na bicykli – 1,280 €
  5. OZ ROKA – Neseď doma, lesopark volá! – 2,000 €
  6. Valalská voda – Návrat k tradíciám – 1,320 €