On Saturday, April 23rd2022 the chairman of Košice’s self-governing region Rasťo Trnka presented us with an honorary award for our long-standing work in the territory of Eastern Slovakia and our contribution to innovative programmes in the field of marginalised Roma communities. It was received by director Laura Dittel at a gala evening at the State Theatre Košice.

“We are always pleased when someone notices the work we do in the region of Eastern Slovakia. This award recognizes the entire foundation, employees, members of the Board of supervisors, as well as the volunteers in the advisory bodies and evaluation committees. We could not have done it without them Our gratitude also goes to all active people from organisations we support. They are the driving force; they are changing things for the better locally and we are grateful for that.” Laura Dittel
Laura Dittel
For 27 years the Carpathian Foundation has been transforming Eastern Slovakia into a better place, and it initiates this change from below. This means, that it engages individuals, experts, communities, NGOs, and the private sector. Because long-term change has to come from people – individuals who realise that their role is not just to pay taxes, but to take an active part in public life. Their task is to create a strong civil society capable of deciding about its present and future. Not only this award but especially all their successful programmes and activities are indicating that the Carpathian Foundation is moving in the right direction.