June 22, 2022

June 22, 2022

UPre ženy (UFor Women) study

The unique study UPre ženy (UFor Women): the status and empowerment of women in selected marginalised Roma communities map what, who and especially how to help Roma women to improve their status and living conditions. In doing so, the researchers also focused on empowerment, a tool used in community development around the world. Simply put teach people to catch fish and not give it to them.

UPre ženy (UFor Women) study Read More »

Campaign Máme radi Ukrajinu (We Love Ukraine) has focused also on Roma refugees and human trafficking

Managing a refugee crisis of this magnitude is only possible thanks to volunteers, NGOs, local governments, and a few passionate people in government. That’s also why we launched the campaign Máme radi Ukrajinu (We Love Ukraine). The donated money will be redistributed among NGOs, non-profit organisations, local governments, and schools in Eastern Slovakia that help refugees. Organisations working with Roma refugees and the issue of human trafficking will receive special attention.

Campaign Máme radi Ukrajinu (We Love Ukraine) has focused also on Roma refugees and human trafficking Read More »

The Carpathian Foundation received the KSK award for its long-standing work and contribution to the region

On Saturday, April 23rd2022 the chairman of Košice’s self-governing region Rasťo Trnka presented us with an honorary award for our long-standing work in the territory of Eastern Slovakia and our contribution to innovative programmes in the field of marginalised Roma communities. It was received by director Laura Dittel at a gala evening at the State Theatre Košice.

The Carpathian Foundation received the KSK award for its long-standing work and contribution to the region Read More »

The international online conference focused on the status, power and increasing employability of Roma women

The international online conference entitled How to make the labour market accessible to women from marginalised Roma communities? Was organised on April 4th in the virtual studio of the agency in Košice Promiseo. 1/4 hour stimulating programme focused on the challenges or solutions to achieve higher employability of women from Roma marginalised communities.

The international online conference focused on the status, power and increasing employability of Roma women Read More »

We travelled to Ukraine with humanitarian aid

The Carpathian Foundation has teamed up with Prešov-based civic associations Podaj ďalej (Pass It On) and Minoritas, to deliver humanitarian aid to Ukraine. Four vans were full of essentials set off on the morning of March 24th. The crew was joined by our director Laura Dittel and photographer Róbert Németi. Who did they deliver the goods to, what is happening with Ukrainian orphans, and what does it look like in Uzhhorod now?

We travelled to Ukraine with humanitarian aid Read More »