Žofka Teplická

Žofka Teplická

Žofka grew up in Rimavská Sobota, studied marketing and international business at the Economic University in Bratislava, but even during her studies, she knew that she was drawn to marketing and organizing events for people – the satisfied faces of participants filled her with incredible energy.

She has tried various positions so far – she worked for the Slovak Blind and Partially Sighted Union for 12 years with breaks, at first as a project assistant, later as a PR manager and coordinator of the public collection White crayon (Biela pastelka), and finally as a head of a regional social services center in Prešov. She worked for a year at the MediaDom marketing agency, coordinated a public collection in schools and on the streets for the Children of Slovakia Foundation (Nadácia detí Slovenska), prepared event offers at the creative space of HalmiSpace/HalmiCafé, and managed an international project to link various sectors at Creative Industry Košice. Since 2012, she has been cooperating with the non-profit organization Voices.

She supplements her education with various trainings (Socratic Institute, EDUaccelerator of the Pontis Foundation). In 2018, she founded a civic association with her friends and for two years they operated a community space in Budimír called “Naša chyža” (Our room). She still participates on organizing events such as Picnic in the Park, Community Day, or Summer Forest Camp.

Since 2018, she has been working at the Carpathian Foundation as a coordinator and later as a manager of the educational programme MyMachine Slovakia.

Žofka lives in Budimír near Košice with her husband, two daughters, a dog, three cats, two rabbits, and two ducks.