Humanitarian aid

Humanitarian aid

We have been delivering humanitarian aid to Ukraine since the outbreak of the war in February 2022. Together with the civic association Podaj ďalej and wonderful volunteers, we have traveled not only to the western parts of the country but also to the far north, to poor villages and small towns where humanitarian aid almost never reaches. From the beginning of the war until the end of 2023, we have helped more than 10,000 people in Ukraine. We delivered approximately 175 tons of material aid worth about 663,910 euros. We continue with humanitarian aid in 2024, although now irregularly.

Watch the short film "Good Knows No Boundaries" about our humanitarian aid, which shows the role of friendships, humor, hope, and volunteers in the war. Volunteers often travel to dangerous zones and risk their own lives. 🠟

Below you can find the article and photos from the humanitarian aid mission in March 2022 🠟

We wrote about how the need for humanitarian aid for people in Ukraine changed at the end of 2022 🠟

In mid-February 2024, we undertook another humanitarian trip to the far north of Ukraine. One of the five vans carried a special shipment – a brand new industrial washing machine for the hospital in Ripky, which many generous donors contributed to during a campaign by our executive director Laura Dittel.

You can watch the video of this trip 🠟

Read the interview with Laura Dittel titled "Testimony from Northern Ukraine," which was published on 🠟

According to our annual reports, in 2022 we invested 65,000 euros in humanitarian aid (in the form of a grant for Podaj ďalej, o.z.), and 160,000 euros in 2023. Podaj ďalej also raised additional funds, which are included in the total figures mentioned at the beginning of the article.

We thank our partners and donors, thanks to whom we are able to provide humanitarian aid to Ukraine: