What We Do

What We Do

Our mission is to lead people and organizations to accept responsibility for themselves, their communities, their region and their future.

Topics we focus on:

  • Increasing the quality of life in local communities
  • Improving vulnerable groups’ situation
  • Informal education of children, youths and adults
  • Increasing employability of people
  • Building a strong and active civil society
  • Cross-border cooperation, especially with Ukraine

We implement our goals through:

  1. Grant programmes – financial support aimed at community development, education and helping vulnerable groups;
  2. Informal education programmes – pilot projects that introduce innovations and experience from other parts of the world;
  3. Civil society development in Eastern Slovakia – surveys, training, discussion and networking meetings for individuals as well as organisations in the region;
  4. Donorship and volunteering development and promotion – engagement of individuals and companies, linking donors with communities and volunteering facilitation;
  5. Cross-border and international cooperation for the benefit of the region – implementation of cross-border and development projects in the Carpathian region and in a wider European context;
  6. Own organisation development – building the foundation’s ability to address the needs of the region and ensuring own sustainability.