On January 12, we started with the grant call “School Despite Covid,” which supports the ideas of non-governmental organizations, individuals, and schools from the Prešov, Košice, and Banská Bystrica regions which will help address the acurate needs of the interrupted educational process.
Primarily, this is the so-called rapid assistance for projects aimed at educating vulnerable or disadvantaged groups of the population, emphasizing pupils in primary and secondary education. Huge interest Up to 41 applicants also applied for the second round of this call. We did not expect such a high number of appliactions in the second round. Most projects focused on educating disadvantaged Roma communities from segregated settlements. The situation in these communities is critical, as long-term interruptions in the educational process can significantly deepen their exclusion and reduce the chances of the future. In the second round, we supported 14 projects with a total amount of EUR 7, 822. In the first rond of the program, we also received 41 applications and supported 16 projects for EUR 10, 178. Thus, in total, we redistributed EUR 18,000 within the program. We are closing the “School despite the Covid 2.0” grant program in the second round, as we have redistributed all the funds we have allocated for this program. You can find the list of supported projects down below.We will continue to do our best to make life in Eastern Slovakia better. .
However, we can only do that with your support!
List of supported applicants in the 2nd round
- Základná škola Petrovany
- Súkromná spojená škola Detva
- Špeciálna základná škola, Banská Štiavnica
- Základná škola s materskou školou Poprad – Matejovce
- Základná škola Bukovecká 17, Košice
- Občianske združenie EDU Odborárska, Košice
- Vaša Charita - Centrum pomoci Domček n.o., Lučenec
- Občianske združenie Tobiáš, Prešov
- OZ Vyrovnávanie šancí, Prešov
- Katarína Králová, Nová Baňa
- Informačný a vzdelávací inštitút, Nižný Hrušov, Poša, Nižný Hrabovec, Trhovište
- Stanislava Skruteková, Jelšava
- Komunitné centrum Olejníkov
- František Polhoš, Veľká Lomnica
List of supported applicants in the 1st round
- Dobrovoľnícke centrum Košického kraja
- Základná škola s materskou školou Bratrícka, Lučenec
- Základná škola s materskou školou Lučivná
- Základná škola Žakovce
- Špeciálna základná škola Kováčska, Gelnica
- Spojená škola Nová, Dobšiná
- Spojená škola Odborárska, Košice
- Komunitné centrum Hencovce
- Spojená škola bl.biskupa Gojdiča, Prešov
- Základná škola Lastovce
- OZ Nie sme sami
- Spojená škola Budovateľská, Vranov nad Topľou
- Základná škola s materskou školou Vydrník
- Základná škola Reformovanej kresťanskej cirkvi v Rožňave s vyučovacím jazykom maďarským
- Stredná odborná škola ekonomická, Spišská Nová Ves