Laura Dittel

Laura Dittel

Laura spent most of her professional life in the non-governmental sector, where she worked in various organizations, some of which she founded herself. She has been working at the Carpathian Foundation for 28 years, leading it for the last 15 years.

Laura studied at the Faculty of Public Administration at the Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, focusing mainly on regional development issues and corporate social responsibility in the context of eastern Slovakia. In 2014 and 2015, she was awarded the Fulbright scholarship (Hubert Humphrey Fellowship), during which she spent a year at the prestigious Maxwell School for Citizenship and Public Affairs at Syracuse University in New York, USA. There, she focused primarily on the management of non-governmental organizations, the work of international NGOs, and conflict resolution.

During her time in the USA, she also spent some time at the Embassy of the Slovak Republic in Washington DC, where she collaborated on the implementation of some programmes.

She has been and continues to be a part of various administrative and advisory boards, and she is still actively involved in civic activism and mobilizing people towards greater personal responsibility for the future.

Watch the video where Laura talks about why the Carpathian Foundation is like her child 🢛🢛🢛