The campaign is personally supported by our colleagues and management. With a symbolic banner in hand, they stand for the areas they are professionally involved in and care about in their private lives. They express their frustration that we still have to wait for important societal changes and often have to substitute for the state in many ways.
Our dream and goal are to create a region where we live well and happily. A region cared for and developed by individuals, communities, and responsible companies.
This is why we have been helping people and organizations for 29 years to improve the world around them. We strive to encourage and motivate them towards cooperation and mutual respect. We ourselves create and organize important programmes and events. At the same time, we support various innovative educational programs and bring new ones because we realize that quality education and care for children and youth are key to the future of our society.
But we can’t do it alone. We can only achieve this through strong collaborations and support.
⋙ We can do it thanks to 2% of your taxes ⋘
Last year, thanks to them, we helped over 20,000 people, more than half of whom were children. We distributed 1.4 million euros, and supported 72 projects, introduced innovative education to more than 50 schools, strengthened inclusive education and early childhood care in Slovakia, and raised awareness among people about those living in adverse conditions. We managed to create many joyful and beautiful moments, which you can see in the video 🡣
This year, we continue and turn to you with a new
2% campaign.

Through it, we communicate not only the areas we are involved in and help with, but also our proactive attitude and willingness to not give up and “fight” for a better future.

Our colleagues and management personally support the campaign. With a symbolic banner in hand, they stand for the areas they are professionally involved in and care about also in their private lives.

Because quality education, care for children, youth, and seniors, support for socially and health-disadvantaged people, assistance to anyone in need, and active communities are the fundamental building blocks of a healthy, prosperous, decent, and strong society.

Help us create such a society. Donate 2% of your taxes to us.