Help us make Eastern Slovakia a prosperous place where people like to live
We dream of Eastern Slovakia as a place where people and organizations have accepted responsibility for their actions and their region, where they work to improve the world around them and where they respect each other, work together, help each other and form a better future together.
Get Support
Get financial support for your activities aimed at community development, education improvement and supporting vulnerable groups in Eastern Slovakia.
Our Solutions
Find out more about our initiatives to promote education, mitigate social inequality and strengthen civil society.
Help Us Help
Join our efforts to support active individuals and organizations working to make Eastern Slovakia a better place to live.
Our Results So Far
“We would not be here today without the help the Carpathian Foundation provided us when we started and in the first few years of our operations. It was thanks to them that we could turn our dreams into reality.”
“My son enrolled in the ‘reception’ [pre-first] grade and he also started attending after-school club, which helped us a lot. He can now express himself very well, he learnt to read and write. I’d like my daughter to join the club, too. I want my kids to learn everything and go on to study at secondary school.”
“For our students, the most important aspect of the MyMachine programme is that it gives them a chance to get to know the entire process, from the conception of an idea, through to the final product. They can test their ability to work in a team and cooperate with people of various levels of technical expertise. In course of the production process, the students have to solve concrete technical problems and change and innovate the solutions they had previously come up with in order to improve the product’s qualities.”
“I can see the benefit in the promotion of technical creativity. Students have an opportunity to test their creative skills – that means they are not given any instructions leading to the solution by anyone. Instead, they have to come up with the solution themselves. And that is something they will be required to do in real life a lot.”
“Our cooperation with the Carpathian Foundation started in 2013. Our joint grant programme “T” for all, all for “T” has become an integral part of our CSR and we are happy we can support the region and our employees in their out-of-job activities this way. It is mainly thanks to the Carpathian Foundation’s expertise that we are able to implement this programme with great success every year.”
The short documentary Good Knows No Boundaries shows the role that friendships, humour, hope and volunteers play in war. Volunteers often travel into dangerous zones and risk their own lives. Why do they do it?