


It’s okay they can’t draw a spine, but they can draw a butterfly. And that’s inclusion…

When we were visiting Wellington, where Slovak families work and live, we saw how in one top-class art class, British children drew a detailed human spine and Roma children from Sabinov drew a simple butterfly. The school headmaster said that it is completely fine for students of the same age in one class to draw different things because they have different skills.

It’s okay they can’t draw a spine, but they can draw a butterfly. And that’s inclusion… Read More »

UPre ženy (UFor Women) study

The unique study UPre ženy (UFor Women): the status and empowerment of women in selected marginalised Roma communities map what, who and especially how to help Roma women to improve their status and living conditions. In doing so, the researchers also focused on empowerment, a tool used in community development around the world. Simply put teach people to catch fish and not give it to them.

UPre ženy (UFor Women) study Read More »

Results of the grant call TEACHER OF THE FUTURE and SCHOOL OF THE FUTURE 2021

We bring the call results in the “Teacher of the Future” and “School of the Future” programs. In cooperation with Deutsche Telekom IT Solutions Slovakia, we have opened these two programs to provide active teachers and schools with the opportunity to implement projects focusing on an innovative and unconventional approach to teaching.

Results of the grant call TEACHER OF THE FUTURE and SCHOOL OF THE FUTURE 2021 Read More »

Evaluation of Applications for a Language Scholarship from the Carpathian Foundation

The Carpathian Foundation Scholarship Program provided financial support for the study of English for students under the age of 30. The scholarship in 2019 was financially supported by Palo Richvalský – an artist, teacher, salesman and one of the first scholarship holders of the Carpathian Foundation.

Evaluation of Applications for a Language Scholarship from the Carpathian Foundation Read More »

Let’s Wake Up the East — Get Support for Your Idea and Wake Up Your Municipality!

The Carpathian Foundation opens the first call of the ‘Let’s Wake Up the East’ programme, which aims to support active individuals from Eastern Slovakia and awaken the dormant valleys — peripheral and rural parts of the region with low civic engagement participation.

Let’s Wake Up the East — Get Support for Your Idea and Wake Up Your Municipality! Read More »

The Carpathian Foundation and the Košice Self-Governing Region Signed a Memorandum of Cooperation

This memorandum is a framework document for closer relations, especially in education and its reforms in the Košice region. It opens up opportunities for closer communication and cooperation. It will be the basis for new initiatives and projects that will improve the situation of children, young people, educators, and teachers

The Carpathian Foundation and the Košice Self-Governing Region Signed a Memorandum of Cooperation Read More »

We Know the Most Innovative Schools and Teachers in Eastern Slovakia

Yesterday, February 12, was a special day for teachers and schools that received a grant in the “Teacher of the Future” and “School of the Future” programs. In cooperation with T-Systems Slovakia, we have opened these 2 programs to provide active teachers and schools with the opportunity to implement projects focusing on an innovative and non-traditional approach to teaching.

We Know the Most Innovative Schools and Teachers in Eastern Slovakia Read More »