December 4, 2023
09:00 – 09:30 ⋙ Registration of participants
09:30 – 10:15 ⋙ Opening session – Plenary
Moderators: Stanislav Daniel (Porticus) and Michaela Bauer (UNICEF Slovakia RRO)
Place: Conference Hall A
Representative of Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic (TBC)
Regina De Dominicis, Regional Director UNICEF ECARO (joining online)
Laura Dittel, Director, Carpathian Foundation
Vladimír Šucha, Head of European Commission’s Representation in Slovakia
10:15 – 10:25 ⋙ Screening of the video: Joint statement on inclusive education from children and youth
Moderator: Stanislav Daniel (Porticus)
Place: Conference Hall A
Video of children who participated on activities supported by the Together for Children grant programme.
10:25 – 11:00 ⋙ break and Media Corner (space for questions from media)
11:00 – 12:00 ⋙ Plenary Session 1: Inclusive Education – A joint commitment: status of policy reforms for education quality and inclusion in Slovakia
Presentations, panel discussion followed by Q&A.
Moderator: Veronika Miškech Fričová (Carpathian Foundation, Slovakia)
Place: Conference Hall A
Svetlana Síthová, Director of department of support for formal education (NIVAM)
Kálmán Petőcz, Director General of Inclusive Education and National Minorities, Ministry of Education of Slovak Republic
Monika Fričová, Platform of Families of children with disabilities, Slovakia
Jana Bavoľárová, Headmaster Primary School, Budimír, Slovakia
12:10 – 13:30 ⋙ lunch break
13:30 – 15:00 ⋙ Plenary Session 2: Inclusive Education – Quality Education for All / Inspiration from abroad
Presentations, panel discussion followed by Q&A.
Moderators: Tanja Rankovic (UNICEF Slovakia RRO)
Place: Conference Hall A
- Key Considerations for Inclusive Education Reforms – UNICEF perspective, Maida Pasic, Regional Education Advisor, UNICEF Europe and Central Asia, Switzerland
- Supporting the Right for Inclusive Education for Children with Disabilities – EU perspective, Mary Kyriazopolou, European Agency for Inclusive Education and Special Needs, Greece
- Portuguese Road to Inclusion, Filomena Pereira, Director of the Department of Special Needs Education, Directorate-General of Education of the Ministry of Education, Portugal
15:00 – 15:30 ⋙ break
15:30 – 16:45 ⋙ Plenary Session 3: Quality Education for All Learners through the lenses of current reforms
Presentations, panel discussion followed by Q&A.
Moderator: Jana Huttová (UNICEF Slovakia RRO)
Place: Conference Hall A
- Curriculum for All & Teacher Competencies for Inclusive Education, Judith Hollenweger Haskell, University of Zürich, Switzerland
- Inclusive Education in Slovakia, Peter Krajňák, Deputy Mayor, Municipality of Prešov (joining online) and Maria Bezáková, Headmaster, Primary School Škultétyho, Topoľčany, Slovakia
16:45 – 17:00 ⋙ break
17:00 – 18:30 ⋙ Master Classes – 2 small group workshops on the following topics:
MC1: Early Childhood Intervention,
Place: Conference Room B
- Paula Santos, Department of Education and Psychology at the University of Aveiro, Portugal
- Simona Šimková, Director, CVI Košice, Slovakia
Facilitator: Barbora Vanek (UNICEF Slovakia)
MC2: The Changing Role of Schools for Education of Children with Disabilities – Supporting the Right for Inclusive Education for all Learners,
Place: Conference Hall A
- Mary Kyriazopoulou, European Agency for Inclusive Education and Special Needs, Greece
- Filomena Pereira, Director of the Department of Special Needs Education, Directorate-General of Education of the Ministry of Education, Portugal
- Marina Starčević Cviko, Education Officer, UNICEF Serbia & Nataša Jović, Inclusive Education Consultant, UNICEF Serbia (online participation)
Facilitator: Andrea Naletto (UNICEF ECARO) and Tanja Rankovic (UNICEF Slovakia RRO)
(Sign up for a specific Master Class in the registration form.)
from 19:30 ⋙ Dinner and evening program with the social theater Hopi Hope
December 5, 2023
09:00 – 10:30 ⋙ Plenary Session 4: Early Childhood Education for Every Child
Presentations, panel discussion followed by Q&A.
Moderator: Štefan Porubský (University of M. Bel, Slovakia)
Place: Conference Hall A
- ECE for every child, Ivelina Borisova, Regional ECD Advisor, UNICEF ECARO
- ECEC policy and implementation at the municipal level, Bjorn Martens, Project Manager, City of Ghent, Belgium and Hester Hulpia, Centre for Innovation in the Early Years, Ghent, Belgium
- Roma early inclusion, Katarína Vančíková, Faculty of Education, Matej Bel University
- Professional Development on Inclusive ECE, Eva Pupíková, Professional Development Teacher (Preschool Pedagogy), NIVAM, Slovakia
10:30 – 11:00 ⋙ break
11:00 – 12:30 ⋙ Parallel Working Groups. Presentation and discussion.
WG1: Roma Desegregation in Education
Facilitators: Miroslava Hapalová, Programme Specialist, UNICEF Slovakia RRO
Place: Conference Room B
- Desegregation in Education in Bulgaria, Maria Yankova, Education Specialist and representatives of UNICEF Bulgaria and MoES Bulgaria (joining online)
- Desegregation in Education – Achievements and challenges, Ján Hero, Inclusive Education and National Minorities, Ministry of Education of Slovak Republic
WG2: Supporting new-coming students in schools – support measures, second language acquisition, multicultural education
Facilitator: Jana Huttová, Education Consultant, UNICEF Slovakia RRO
Place: Conference Hall A
- Judith Hollenweger Haskell, Zurich University of Teacher Education (PHZH), Switzerland
- Martina Běťáková, Deputy State Secretary of the Czech Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports
- Matej Sapák, Coordinator for Refugee Response, Ministry of Education, Slovakia
(Sign up for a specific working group in the registration form.)
12:30 – 13:30 ⋙lunch break
13:30 – 13:50 ⋙ Report from each Working Group and discussion
Moderator: Stanislav Daniel (Porticus)
Place: Conference Hall A
13:50 – 15:30 ⋙ Examples of Good practices – Together for Children grantees
Facilitator: Nora Čéplőová (Karpatská nadácia)
Place: Conference Hall A
EFFETA, Nitra, (Spájame sa pre deti so zdravotným znevýhodnením),
CINEFIL, Košice, (Úsmev a Radosť pre Ukrajinu),
CVI Košice, n. o., Košice, (Prvé (K)ROKY),
Materská škola Dr. Clementisa 59, Skalica, (Spolu bez bariér),
Mesto Snina, (Naše sertsya jekhetane),
Inklucentrum, Bratislava (Trauma rešpektujúci prístup a inkluzívne vzdelávanie)
15:30 – 16:00 ⋙ break
16:00 – 16:25 ⋙ A Conversation on Inclusive Education – Why it matters to and benefits Every Child
Moderator: Michaela Bauer (UNICEF Slovakia RRO)
Speaker: Gautam Rana, Ambassador of the United States of America to Slovakia
Miesto: Conference Hall A
16:25 – 16:45 ⋙ Future steps for inclusion in Slovakia
Moderator: Kálmán Petőcz (Director General of Inclusive Education and National Minorities, Ministry of Education of Slovak Republic)
Place: Conference Hall A
16:45 – 17:00 ⋙ Conference conclusions and closing
Veronika Miškech Fričová (Carpathian Foundation) and Tanja Rankovic (UNICEF Slovakia RRO)
Place: Conference Hall A
Program subject to change. Thank you for your understanding.